Meet the Founders

Hey everyone!

I’m Maliha Rana CEO of RE:INVENT and full on chaos at all times. I’m Bryn Hassan CPO of RE:INVENT and I’m cool, calm and collected at all times, NOTHING annoys me (unless you tell me you don’t know what a GARMIN is). 😎

We met during the Antler accelerator in February 2023 but we feel like we’ve known each other for a lifetime. What’s Antler? Well you know love island? Imagine that meets the Apprentice and voila - Antler would be the love child for founders. 🧠 💕

Now, It definitely was NOT love at first sight for us though. No seriously - we didn’t even say hello to each other for almost 2 weeks. Then one rainy day, we found ourselves in a squad meeting, wondering if we’d find our dream co-founders…well we had a moment and we just clicked. No, not what you’re thinking not some genius moment, it was more of a , ’OMG YOU PLAY SPORTS, BREAK BONES, LOVE THE COUNTRY AND HAVE HAD A STARTUP’. Let me tell you, this was just the beginning. 6 months later, we are unstoppable. 🤝 🎖

Having previously founded our own e-commerce businesses, Maliha with Panda Packaging, a vc backed sustainable packing startup, selling over 4 million products to the likes of the big boys including Virgin, Nobu and Abel & Cole and Bryn having previously bootstrapped his ecom business, Slide Tribe, before being acquired last summer, holding an equally impressive customer list including Google, Red Bull and Harlequins, we both knew we were destined to do something in ecom. ☄️💰

We decided to come together and join forces to build the very first peer to peer ad network, RE:INVENT. The platform empowering DTC brands to grow together through data driven partnerships. 📈 🤓Together we are are co f̶o̶c̶k̶e̶r̶s̶ founders of RE:INVENT and pictured with us below are some of the totally b̶o̶n̶k̶e̶r̶s̶ INCREDIBLE Antler team - aka the parents of RE:INVENT, the people who bought Maliha and Bryn together. 👨👩👧👦

Ready to join us?